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IUI Failure: Symptoms, Reasons, and Causes

| 18 Jul 2023 | 3543 Views |


Welcome aboard! It’s high time we unpacked the enigma of IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and its failure — an emotional roller coaster for many couples. Don’t let the jargon intimidate you, though. We’re going to walk through this together, one step at a time. This journey may seem like a giant maze, but worry not — our torchlight is ready to guide you.

What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)?

Intrauterine Insemination, fondly known as IUI, is a fertility treatment that involves directly inserting sperm into a woman’s womb. It’s the fertility world’s version of a slam dunk — shooting straight for the goal! The aim is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes, thereby increasing the chance of fertilization.

The IUI Procedure: A Closer Look

Wondering how this procedure works? Let’s delve deeper. The IUI procedure begins with sperm washing — not a spa treatment for the little swimmers, but a method of removing chemicals that could lead to adverse reactions. Next, a catheter is used to insert these prepared sperm directly into the uterus. It’s a fairly quick and painless procedure, and usually, no anesthesia is required.

When is IUI Recommended?

IUI might be your go-to procedure if you’re dealing with unexplained fertility, mild male factor infertility, or if you need help with donor sperm. Also, it’s a common first line of treatment for couples who have been trying to conceive for a while without success.

10 Symptoms of IUI Failure:

Absence of common pregnancy symptoms like nausea or increased sensitivity to smells.

  • Onset of menstrual period: If you get your period, it’s a strong sign that the IUI procedure was unsuccessful.
  • Negative home pregnancy test: A negative test result after two weeks can indicate that the IUI procedure didn’t succeed.
  • Lower back pain: Similar to period cramps, some women report this symptom in failed IUI attempts.
  • Absence of implantation bleeding: While not every successful IUI will result in noticeable implantation bleeding, its absence can be a potential symptom of failure.
  • Lack of breast changes: During early pregnancy, the breasts often become tender and swell, the absence of these symptoms could point to a failed IUI.
  • No change in basal body temperature: A steady or declining basal body temperature, rather than an increase, might be a sign of unsuccessful IUI.
  • No mood swings or emotional changes: Many women experience mood changes due to hormonal fluctuations in early pregnancy.
  • Lack of increased urination: In early pregnancy, women often have to urinate more frequently.
  • No fatigue or tiredness: Increased tiredness or fatigue can be a symptom of early pregnancy. Its absence might be a sign of IUI failure.

10 Reasons for IUI Failure:

  1. Poor sperm quality: Sperm with low mobility or high DNA fragmentation may not be able to fertilize the egg.
  2. Advanced maternal age: Women above 35 years have reduced fertility which can lead to IUI failure.
  3. Poor egg quality: Just like sperm, the quality of a woman’s egg is crucial for successful fertilization.
  4. Incorrect timing of IUI: Timing is essential in IUI. If the procedure is not done close to ovulation, it may fail.
  5. Underlying medical conditions: Conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or uncontrolled diabetes can affect IUI success.
  6. Lifestyle factors: Smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity can negatively impact fertility and the success of IUI.
  7. Use of frozen sperm: While still effective, IUI with frozen sperm can have a lower success rate than with fresh sperm.
  8. Structural issues: Problems with the female reproductive system, like a blocked fallopian tube, can prevent fertilization.
  9. Unexplained infertility: In some cases, doctors can’t pinpoint a specific cause for infertility, which can lead to unsuccessful IUI.
  10. Failed fertilization: Even if both the sperm and egg are healthy, sometimes fertilization just doesn’t occur.

10 Causes of IUI Failure:

  1. Suboptimal sperm count or quality: If the sperm count is too low or the quality is poor, it may not be able to fertilize the egg.
  2. Age-related decline in fertility: As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases, which can lead to lower egg quality and quantity.
  3. Hormonal imbalances: Conditions like PCOS can cause hormonal imbalances that disrupt ovulation and potentially lead to IUI failure.
  4. Poor response to fertility drugs: Some women may not respond as expected to fertility drugs, making the timing of IUI less effective.
  5. Structural abnormalities: Conditions like fibroids or polyps can interfere with the implantation of the embryo.
  6. Infections or inflammation in the pelvic area: These can negatively impact fertility and the success of IUI.
  7. Autoimmune disorders: Certain autoimmune disorders can lead to issues with implantation, leading to IUI failure.
  8. Genetic abnormalities: Certain genetic abnormalities in either partner can prevent successful conception.
  9. Tubal disease: Any disease or blockage in the fallopian tubes can prevent the egg and sperm from meeting, causing IUI to fail.
  10. Endometriosis: This condition can affect the quality of the egg and also create an unfavorable environment for implantation.

However, these are not definitive proof of failure, as symptoms can vary from person to person.

Why Does IUI Fail the First Time?

Why Does IUI Fail the First Time

Well, unfortunately, the stars don’t always align the first time around. There could be various reasons for this, such as:

  • Advanced maternal age
  • Poor egg or sperm quality
  • Underlying medical conditions

Remember, patience is key. It’s not uncommon for IUI to take a few tries before success is achieved.

What to Do After the First Failed IUI: Steps to Take

If your first IUI doesn’t result in a successful pregnancy, don’t lose hope. First off, consult with your fertility specialist to understand what might have caused the failure and explore possible next steps. This may include further diagnostic testing, changes to medication or treatment protocols, or considering other fertility treatments.

When to Expect Your Period After Failed IUI

After a failed IUI, your period will likely arrive about two weeks after the procedure, much like a natural menstrual cycle. But remember, this can vary depending on personal hormonal balance and the use of fertility medications.

Factors Affecting Your Period’s Timing

There are several factors that could affect the timing of your period after a failed IUI:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • The use of fertility drugs
  • Stress or emotional factors

First Period After Failed IUI: What to Expect

The first period after a failed IUI might be different from your normal cycle. It could be heavier, more painful, or delayed. This is largely due to the fertility drugs used during the procedure.

Chances of Natural Pregnancy After Failed IUI

Good news — a failed IUI doesn’t spell doom for your fertility journey. Many couples conceive naturally after a failed IUI, especially if the underlying fertility issue is addressed. It’s a mixed bag of possibilities, but there’s always a glimmer of hope.

Factors That Impact Natural Pregnancy Success

These factors may affect your chances of conceiving naturally:

  • Age
  • The health of the eggs and sperm
  • Timing of intercourse

Heavy Period After Failed IUI

You might notice a heavier-than-usual period after a failed IUI, mainly due to the fertility drugs taken during the treatment. It’s a common occurrence and no cause for panic.

Reasons for a Heavy Period After IUI

The primary reason is the fertility drugs used, which can increase the thickness of your uterine lining, leading to a heavier period. If this persists or becomes a cause for concern, it’s time to have a chat with your doctor.

When to Seek Medical Help

It’s important to seek medical help if you experience severe pain, heavy bleeding, or if you have any concerns following an IUI procedure. Your healthcare team is there to support you and provide advice tailored to your unique situation.

IUI Success Symptoms: Early Signs to Look For

While it’s true that early pregnancy symptoms vary, some signs to look out for post-IUI include tender breasts, fatigue, light spotting, and mild cramping. But remember, the surefire way to confirm a pregnancy is with a pregnancy test.

Risks & Complications of IUI

Despite being a generally safe procedure, IUI is not without risks. These can include infection, spotting, and multiple pregnancies. A mild discomfort during the procedure is also a common experience.

How Many Times Should I Try IUI Before IVF?

This is a question only your doctor can answer accurately, as it depends on various personal factors. However, some specialists recommend trying IUI up to three times before considering more intensive treatments like IVF.

How To Increase the Success Rate Of IUI

Boosting the success rate of IUI can be achieved by:

  • Ensuring optimal timing of the procedure
  • Taking prescribed fertility drugs
  • Following a healthy lifestyle

Also, the experience and expertise of your fertility team play a significant role.


Unpacking the complexities of IUI failures isn’t a cakewalk, but it’s far from an insurmountable challenge. Keep in mind that failure is not the end — it’s simply a sign to reassess and plan the next steps. As always, your medical team is your best resource for personalized advice. Stay hopeful and remember: the road to success is always under construction.


Some symptoms might include the absence of pregnancy symptoms, the arrival of a period, or a negative pregnancy test. But remember, symptoms can vary widely among individuals.

IUI can fail due to a number of reasons, such as advanced maternal age, poor egg or sperm quality, or underlying medical conditions.

Usually, your period will likely arrive about two weeks after the procedure, much like a natural menstrual cycle. However, this can vary.

Yes, many couples conceive naturally after a failed IUI, especially if the underlying fertility issue is addressed.

Yes, you should seek medical help if you experience severe pain, heavy bleeding, or if you have any concerns following an IUI procedure.

The success rate of IUI can be increased by ensuring optimal timing of the procedure, taking prescribed fertility drugs, and following a healthy lifestyle.

IUI can potentially lead to infection, spotting, and multiple pregnancies. Mild discomfort during the procedure is also common.

Some specialists recommend trying IUI up to three times before considering more intensive treatments like IVF. However, this is something you should discuss with your doctor.

The first period after a failed IUI might be different from your normal cycle. It could be heavier, more painful, or delayed due to the fertility drugs used during the procedure.

Early pregnancy signs post-IUI can include tender breasts, fatigue, light spotting, and mild cramping. However, the most reliable way to confirm a pregnancy is with a pregnancy test.

About The Author
Dr. Richika Sahay

MBBS (Gold Medalist), DNB (Obst & Gyne), MNAMS, MRCOG (London-UK), Fellow IVF, Fellow MAS, Infertility (IVF) Specialist & Gynae Laparoscopic surgeon,[Ex AIIMS & Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi]. Read more about me

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