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Egg Freezing with Low AMH

Egg Freezing with Low AMH: Is It Still Possible?

| 19 Sep 2024 | 149 Views |

Let’s get straight to it—if you’ve been told you have low AMH levels and are worried about your chances of preserving your fertility through egg freezing, you’re not alone. Many women face this challenge. AMH (AntiMüllerian Hormone) is a marker of ovarian reserve, and low levels can be concerning. But here’s the thing: even with low AMH, egg freezing is still an option. It might not be easy, but it’s definitely not impossible.

What Exactly is AMH?

AMH is a hormone produced by the follicles in your ovaries. It helps doctors understand your ovarian reserve, which essentially means the number of eggs you have left. Women with higher AMH levels usually have a larger reserve of eggs, while those with low AMH have fewer eggs available. But don’t panic! Low AMH doesn’t mean you can’t freeze your eggs—it just means the process might be a bit different.

Introduction to Egg Freezing with Low AMH

Women with low AMH levels often wonder whether they can successfully freeze their eggs. While low AMH levels indicate a reduced ovarian reserve, it doesn’t necessarily close the door on egg freezing. In fact, many women with low AMH have successfully frozen their eggs, though the process may require more effort and a customized approach. At India IVF Fertility, our experts specialize in helping women preserve their fertility, even when the odds seem tough.

Why Low AMH Matters for Egg Freezing

  • Fewer Eggs: Women with low AMH may produce fewer eggs during each stimulation cycle. This means more cycles might be necessary to collect a good number of viable eggs for freezing.
  • Age Matters: Egg quality declines with age, and this combined with low AMH can make egg retrieval more challenging.
  • Customized Treatments: You’ll likely need a tailored treatment plan to maximize egg retrieval and freezing success.

The Process of Egg Freezing with Low AMH

Egg freezing with low AMH isn’t all that different from regular egg freezing. The main difference lies in how your body responds to the hormone stimulation needed to produce multiple eggs.

Here’s what you can expect:

1. Ovarian Stimulation: You’ll undergo hormone injections to stimulate your ovaries and produce as many eggs as possible. With low AMH, your ovaries might not respond as robustly, so you may need higher doses of hormones.
2. Monitoring: Throughout the stimulation process, your doctor will closely monitor your progress through blood tests and ultrasounds.
3. Egg Retrieval: Once your follicles are mature, the eggs are retrieved in a quick, minimally invasive procedure.
4. Freezing: After retrieval, the eggs are frozen and stored for future use.

Even though fewer eggs might be retrieved, the goal is to freeze as many healthy eggs as possible to give you the best chance of future pregnancy.

Egg Freezing with Low AMH: Is It Worth It?

You might be wondering, Is it worth going through the egg freezing process if I have low AMH? The short answer is: yes. While you might not get as many eggs as women with higher AMH levels, every egg counts. Freezing your eggs today could be the key to preserving your fertility tomorrow.

Advantages of Egg Freezing with Low AMH:

  • Future Fertility: Even freezing a few eggs gives you the option of using them when you’re ready to conceive.
  • Control Over Timing: It allows you to delay pregnancy without worrying about your biological clock.
  • Health Considerations: Women facing health issues that might affect fertility (like endometriosis or cancer) benefit from freezing eggs, regardless of AMH levels.


Egg freezing with low AMH may sound daunting, but it’s absolutely possible. While the journey might require more patience and effort, it gives you the power to take control of your fertility. If you’re considering egg freezing and have low AMH levels, don’t hesitate to speak with the fertility experts at India IVF Fertility. They can guide you through the process, create a personalized plan, and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

FAQs About Egg Freezing with Low AMH

Yes, you can still freeze your eggs even with low AMH levels. The process might require more effort, like multiple stimulation cycles, but it’s definitely possible.

Low AMH usually means fewer eggs are retrieved during each cycle. However, the quality of eggs can still be good, which is what matters for future pregnancy. It might take more cycles to get enough eggs, but success is still achievable.

The cost of egg freezing with low AMH can be higher due to the need for more stimulation cycles and higher hormone doses. However, the potential benefits of preserving your fertility far outweigh the costs for many women. India IVF Fertility offers tailored treatment plans to help make the process more affordable.

About The Author
Dr. Richika Sahay

MBBS (Gold Medalist), DNB (Obst & Gyne), MNAMS, MRCOG (London-UK), Fellow IVF, Fellow MAS, Infertility (IVF) Specialist & Gynae Laparoscopic surgeon,[Ex AIIMS & Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi]. Read more

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